In 2017, YBM was honored to be awarded the Certificate of Merit from the Chairman of Yen Bai Provincial People's Committee for "Excellent achievements in production and business in 2016”. In 2018, YBM received the Certificate of Merit for “Achievements in well organizing activities to respond to the 2018 workers' month" by the Executive Committee of the Trade Union of Yen Bai Industrial Parks. In 2021, the Chairman of Yen Bai Provincial People's Committee awarded the Certificate of Merit as “Having made positive contributions and supports to the prevention and control of Covid-19 epidemic in Yen Bai province”. In 2021 and 2022, the Chairman of Yen Bai Provincial People's Committee awarded the Certificate of Merit for “Excellent achievements in production and business activities”. Along with many certificates of merit and commendation in production activities as well as in business activities such as benefits and policies for employees in Yen Bai province. In particular, YBM has a laboratory accredited with ISO 17025:2017 certificated by the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Office - Ministry of Science and Technology. In addition, YBM is also assessed and certified for Quality Management System according to ISO 9001:2015.